Targeting sperm-specific proteins could lead to non-hormonal, unisex contraceptives.
(Poster, 2022)
I presented this poster in 2022 by invitation at the Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Convening in Brussels, Belgium. While the rest of my publications below are listed in order by publication year, I am highlighting this poster because it provides a helpful summary of my research.
De novo protein identification in mammalian sperm using in situ cryoelectron tomography and AlphaFold2 docking
(Cell, 2023)
This study created high-resolution cryo-ET structures of the mammalian sperm flagellar axoneme and used them to generate 3D structures of several previously unrecognized proteins, which were then identified through a novel workflow in which the structures were matched to AlphaFold structural predictions of the mouse proteome in an unlabeled and unbiased manner. This approach has the potential to revolutionize the process of protein identification in many arenas.
Mitochondrial uncouplers impair human sperm motility without altering ATP content
(Biology of Reproduction, 2023)
My recent first-author paper, which explores the role of the mitochondria in sperm metabolism to investigate whether targeted mitochondrial disruption could be an avenue for development of unisex contraceptives.
In situ cryo-electron tomography reveals the asymmetric architecture of mammalian sperm axonemes
(Nature Struc. & Mol. Bio., 2022)
A collaboration with a team of structural biologists at Stanford, which produced the highest-ever resolution map of the intact sperm axoneme, and revealed several previously-unknown structural features.
Investigating Sperm-Specific Proteins and Physiology to Inform Development of Non-hormonal, Unisex Contraception.
(Dissertation, 2022)
My dissertation includes my thoughts on the state of the field of contraceptive development and a compilation of the papers shown above. It was submitted in 2022 for my PhD in Endocrinology at UC Berkeley.
Intended: Episode 5, He Said (Podcast Interview, 2020)
I was interviewed for a podcast series by the Male Contraceptive Initiative, exploring the scientific and social aspects of the effort to develop male and unisex contraception. While the whole series is a worthwhile listen, I am featured most heavily in episode 5, linked here.
Solar Hot Water Fundamentals
(Textbook, 2011)
I co-authored, managed, and edited this textbook on Solar Thermal system design, which was written in a widely-accessible tone to help spread the adoption of this important technology. It has since been used in classes across the country to train a new generation of solar installers. Included here is one sample chapter on solar collector design, which I wrote.